Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


Dieser Studiengang wird mit dem Fachbereich Industrial Engineering - SATS (School of Applied Technical Sciences) und dem Studiengang Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship an der German-Jordanian University (GJU) durchgeführt.

Facts about the course Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management



Degree type:

Master's degree

Title of Degree:

Master of Science

Begin of Studycourse:

winter semester

Semester Number:

3 Semester

Deadline of Application:

winter: 15.07. | via uni-assist: 31.05.

Admissions Restriction:

no admission restrictions,
Aptitude exam


152.66 EUR

Course Languages:


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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management is the programme for you if

  • you are looking to enhance your skills in the field of enterprise development

  • you want to design, implement and introduce innovation processes and in so doing keep pace with the regional and trans-regional economic, social and technological trends

  • you would like to provide skilled support to existing companies as well as start-ups in their development and planning processes

  • you want to work in intercultural and multi-professional teams

Deep-Dive Consultation:

We would be hosting MEsIM deep-dive consultation every Friday from 16:00 to 16:30.
The link to the Zoom meeting details below, which will be used to host the meetings every Friday.

Link: https://hs-magdeburg.zoom.us/j/64434704779?pwd=RVEwYjkrTHlYZ0l4VU4xRVZLOXc2dz09

Meeting ID: 644 3470 4779
Passcode: 796607


The course offer is comprised of compulsory and compulsory elective modules The compulsory and compulsory elective modules during the entire course of studies amount to 45 weekly hours per semester. The study effort required by you as a student for this period equates to 90 credits. To achieve this, it is necessary to pass all of the compulsory and the three compulsory elective modules.

The programme concludes with the Master’s thesis and colloquium.


  • Start Up Building Project 1
  • Intercultural Onboarding & Research
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Fundamentals
  • Product Development & Customer Research
  • Wahlpflichtmodul

  • Start Up Building Project 2
  • Intercultural Leadership & Research (Mobility)
  • Marketing & Sustainability
  • Company Structuring
  • Wahlpflichtmodul

  • Start Up Building Project 3
  • Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Master Thesis


In order to be admitted to the programme, students must provide proof of holding a first professional academic degree. This degree must have been completed to a good standard (minimum grade of 2.5) and over a period of at least 7 semesters and equate to at least 210 credits.

Applications from prospective students who do not have the requisite 210 credits, but are able to demonstrate having obtained 180 credits, will be assessed on an individual basis.

Proof of adequate knowledge of the English language at higher education entrance qualification level must also be provided.

Applicants for the study programme take an aptitude test, which is used to assess generic competences (e.g. creative concepts, letter of motivation). Admission to the aptitude test requires the submission of an application for admission to the study programme within the prescribed time limit and in the prescribed manner.

The following are tested and assessed:

  • entrepreneurial learning orientation
  • team and communication skills
  • independence: personal and organisational skills, methodological skills

The aptitude test consists of a selection interview of 30 minutes’ duration (online/face-to-face). Candidates are deemed to have the requisite aptitude if they achieve 60% of the maximum points score.


Evidence of the necessary English language skills can be provided by the following:

  • TOEFL, iBT (87 - 107), PBT (567 - 626), CBT (227 - 262)
  • IELTS exam 5.5
  • TELC B2
  • UNIcert II
  • Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE)
  • equivalent qualifications


Foreign certificates are checked by uni-assist e.V.
Information can be found on the uni-assist website.

Application deadline for uni-assist: 31 May (winter semester 2024/25); 30 November (summer semester) 


After completion of the programme you will be in a position to establish a start-up or independently support companies in engineering or IT-oriented disciplines. As a salaried manage or employee, you will work as an innovation manager in innovation departments, in business development (business model development) within a company or start-up or as a consultant in strategic consultancy in the fields of production and product development, logistics, purchasing or sales and marketing.


Du hast konkrete Fragen zum Studiengang?
Dann wende dich gern an die Studienfachberatung.

Daniel Nauck
Campus Magdeburg
Haus 16 | Büro Crossmedia
Armgard von Bonin
Campus Magdeburg
Haus 16, Raum 0.15

Du hast noch Fragen?

Du hast noch Fragen zum Studium oder bist dir noch unsicher, welche Möglichkeiten du hast?
Unsere Studienberatung ist für dich da.

Lisette Kammrad
Mail: studienberatung@h2.de Phone: 0391 886 41 06 WhatsApp: 0175 77 22 032 (Data privacy)
Campus Magdeburg, Breitscheidstraße 2, Haus 2, Raum 0.07.2
* Pflichtfelder


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