Information for the beginning of the
summer semester '25

Every semester, thanks to your unique perspective, we discover our university anew.

You are now a part of "us" and we can't wait to feel your vibes. We've put together the most important information you need to start your campus life in high spirits and with confidence.

If you have any questions before the semester starts, don't hesitate to reach out to our  >>> Student Advisory Service

The orientation days: here we go!

Your first days at university.

During the orientation days from April 1 to 4 2025, we offer various introductory events for your degree program as well as:

Campus tours, joint lunches and various opportunities to get to know lecturers, alumni and your fellow students.

And, of course, if you are new to Magdeburg or Stendal, you will also discover useful tips for finding your way around town and interesting leisure activities.

The individual departments will also inform you about various news on their own web pages:



You can find an overview of all orientation days events below. Have a look again just before it starts to be on the safe side -  the program is just as lively as we are, so maybe something has changed on short notice.

Academic Advisor:gretchen.schaupp@h2.deProf. Dr. Gretchen Lina Schaupp

Semester 1st only

TimeMeeting PointEvent
10:00 am Welcome from the Departments
10:15 am Meet the Department of Study and International Affairs + Questions!
10:25 am Meet the StREaM Examboard
10:45 am Information about services from Studentenwerk Magdeburg
10:55 am Meet the StREaM Mentors
11:05 amMensaLUNCH BREAK
12:30 am Information about Buddy programme
12:45 am Campus Rallye

TimeMeeting PointEvent
09:30 am
General Information / Getting started
10:45 am



Tips for International Students Studying in Germany

Academic Kilian Smith

TimeMeeting PointEvent
10:00 amHouse 6, Room 2.20

Welcome from the Department
General Information / Getting started
Timetable / Moodle
