Water Engineering

Apply for the summer semester 2026 from November 1st.

Facts zum Studiengang Water Engineering






Master of Engineering


Beginnt zum Sommersemester


3 Semester


regulär: 15.01. / uni-assist: 30.11.


nicht zulassungsbeschränkt


Carried out by the Accreditation Agency for Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Mathematics Programmes (ASIIN).


276.40 EUR

Folge uns:

Water Engineering is the study programme for you if

you aim to acquire fundamental professional knowledge and the ability to work independently in accordance with scientific methods, to independently familiarise yourself with the many diverse roles in professional practice, research and/or teaching, and to manage the frequently changing tasks that arise in the professional life of an engineer working in water management.

On the Master’s programme in Water Engineering, you will acquire expertise in the fields of national and international water management planning processes, in drinking water supply and waste water disposal, hydrology, hydraulic engineering and experimental hydraulics, restoration ecology, biotechnology and river morphology, as well as flow and process modelling.

Programme content

The Master’s study programme is divided into a two-semester programme in which at least 60 credits must be obtained in the study modules plus an additional semester for the Master's thesis, for which 30 credits are awarded.

The programme includes the following modules:

  • Mathematics and modelling
  • Ecology and watercourse development: theoretical ecology and restoration ecology
  • Near-natural hydraulic engineering
  • Geoinformation systems and hydrology
  • Environmental planning: approval processes and testing tools plus ecologically-oriented planning
  • Eco- and biotechnology: eco-technologies, aquatic chemistry and environmental biotechnologies
  • Resource management: material flow, energy and resource management
  • Social fundamentals: environmental law and environmental policy
  • Practical process engineering: environmental process engineering, decontamination technologies for water and land plus renaturation technologies/site recycling
  • Environmental economics: project development and management, environmental economics and biodiversity plus ecosystem services

1st semester

  • Global water resources management
  • Water supply
  • Statistical Methods & Artificial Intelligence
  • Waste technologies
  • Restoration Ecology 
  • Soft Skills 
  • Environmental Chemistry of Waters 
  • Groundwater 

2nd semester

  • Hydraulic Engineering
  • Hydrology and GIS 
  • Experimental Hydraulics 
  • River Morphology
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics 
  • Waste Water
  • Drinking Water Treatment
  • Social Aspects 

Master's thesis


Admission to the Master's programme in Water Engineering requires a good university degree (min. grade of 2.0) completed over a standard study duration of at least 7 semesters or at least 210 credits in the subjects of Water Management, Civil Engineering or a closely related field. Applications from prospective students who do not have the requisite 210 credits but are able to demonstrate having acquired 180 credits will be assessed on an individual basis.

Knowledge of the English language to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference is required. This can be demonstrated by one of the following tests:

  • IELTS exam - 5 points or
  • Cambridge exam - First Certificate in English FCE (A-C) or
  • TOEIC - 541 points or
  • TOEFL iBT - 87 points (computer-based) or
  • UNIcert II or
  • ALTE level - Level 3 or
  • equivalent tests 

In cases of doubt, the Board of Examiners will decide whether sufficient evidence of English language skills has been demonstrated. 

Foreign certificates are checked by uni-assist e.V.
Information can be found on the uni-assist website.

Application deadline for uni-assist: 30 November (summer semester)
Applications for the summer semester are possible from 1 November.


The international Master's programme in Water Engineering prepares students for professional activity in higher positions in various areas of the water industry on an international level. The content of the programme is suitable for roles in supply and disposal companies, the consulting field, in environment agencies and ministries, in private water industry or environmental protection companies, in engineering firms offering consulting and planning, and institutes, as well as in teaching and research.


Du hast konkrete Fragen zum Studiengang?
Dann wende dich gern an die Studienfachberatung.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer
E-Mail: water.engineering@h2.de Telefon: (0391) 886 44 29
Campus Magdeburg, Haus 6, Raum 2.16

Was sagen unsere Studierenden?

Die Meinung unserer Studierenden ist uns sehr wichtig. Anhand allen Feedbacks, das wir erhalten, bemühen wir uns ständig, die bestmöglichen Lern- und Lebenserfahrungen zu schaffen.
Darauf sind wir stolz.

Weitere passende Studiengänge für dich

Du hast noch Fragen?

Du hast noch Fragen zum Studium oder bist dir noch unsicher, welche Möglichkeiten du hast?
Unsere Studienberatung ist für dich da.

Felix Welz
E-Mail: studienberatung@h2.de Telefon: 0391 886 41 06 WhatsApp: 0175 77 22 032 (Datenschutz)
Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal
Campus Magdeburg
Breitscheidstraße 2
39114 Magdeburg
Haus 2, Raum 0.07.2
* Pflichtfelder


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